Thursday, March 31, 2011

Real Madrid University covers thirteen countries

In 2006 was born the Real Madrid University. An ambitious academic project that Florentino Perez conceived at the time, to transfer the sphere of influence of a club like Madrid to world's most prestigious universities.

Jorge Valdano was responsible for leading the School until June 2009 but, on returning to the club as general director with the return of Florentino, gave the responsibility to Butragueño: "Jorge proposed me it and I did not hesitate an instant. We work with almost 800 kids from five continents and the level of training is tremendous. Only River Plate have something similar in football. Even in that, Real Madrid is a pioneer ...".

The center of operations of the Real Madrid School is located in the "Universidad Europea de Madrid" (Villaviciosa de Odon, Madrid). The teaching staff is top qualification (30% of them are foreigners, meeting 24% of foreign students on a total of 744 enrolled). The partnership with Real Madrid allows students to meet Valdebebas Sport City activities (Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention uses the facilities of the first white team), as well as Bernabéu Stadium.

Butragueño baptizes as "white week" the most special days for students in the School of Madrid. "For a whole week they access to the facilities at the Bernabeu Stadium and have direct access to executives of the club. They saw how marketing or communication departments work".

There is also a Master "Detection and Development of Talent in Football", headed by Miguel Pardeza. Other Masters which complete the program are: "Management of Sport Organizations", "Sports Law", the Master in "Business and Entertainment", "Training and Sports Nutrition" and "Physical Activity and Health".

Also the Real Madrid Chair has been created, which includes support for research. In 2010 represented an investment of 150,000 euros. Programs include visits to London (future Olympic venues) and Ajax facilities devoted to its "quarry". Butragueño says: "In 2012, we will have one thousand students".

Apart from the modern "Universidad Europea de Madrid", the club has already opened its schools in Africa (Morocco), South America (Chile, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador), Central America (Mexico and Costa Rica) and Europe (Germany, Turkey and Cyprus). A total of eleven schools integrated into the university development program supervised by Butragueño, general director of the College, and Fernando Tomé who is the academic director.

The success of recent academic years and the requests that white club receives to join Real Madrid University, will force Butragueño to open in coming dates two new schools; in the United States (Chicago) and one in Malaysia, which will be the first in Asia. Butragueño explains the power of seduction of the project: "We were recently called from Singapore and there are offers of highly developed countries from the viewpoint of university, such as France, Italy or England. For Madrid is a luxury to be part of this".

Interview: Jorge Valdano

Jorge Valdano explained his current relationship with Mourinho. The general manager of Real Madrid has said that: "Since some time we do not talk. In the last three months he has a direct dialogue with the president, and he feels comfortable with that. What we are going to do experiments for?".

About his supposed poor or no relationship with the Portuguese, Valdano has said that: "What Mourinho wants is exactly what I want, that Madrid is great and the fans are happy". In addition, the executive has accepted that Mourinho does not travel with him and reports directly to the president: "It's a very jealous coach of his autonomy. He needs to have the control and handling the team. He is comfortable in this way. He declared that is very protected by the club and feels very well and can even renew his contract. So the target has been achieved. The coach is an important person and needs to feel protected by the club. It was agreed, it seemed that it was good and we have done it naturally. But everything was exaggerated at the time and was a media focus".

Jorge Valdano at press conference
Jorge Valdano

In sports, Valdano says Real Madrid is going through one of its best moments, while acknowledges that Barcelona is still intractable: "It's a happy moment for the club. We came to April with options in all competitions. The starting point was to face a Barcelona that had won six titles. Last year we played for a title in the last day of the League. The young teams are also in a happy moment. The boys are part of all the young national teams and Castilla (Real Madrid B) is making brilliant football ..."

Valdano said that Real Madrid takes care of its "quarry", and has associated the good work of Barcelona with its youth football teams with "the good luck of taking a great generation of players". "We have more urgency and it shows. But Real Madrid is not suitable for young players. Many kids are working hard and they will have an important role in the future".

The general manager of Real Madrid has also spoken on two great Real Madrid myths, Raul Gonzalez and Ronaldo, recently retired from playing football. On the Schalke player said that "I talked to him four days ago. We talk a lot. He is part of Madrid and a now a great fan. He will have a role in Real Madrid in the future because he is the most intelligent. If he wants to use all his energy to coach, he will be the best but he will have to clarify where he wants to work in the future".

Raúl and Jorge Valdano

On the other hand, Ronaldo will be honored on Saturday at the Bernabeu in the game against Sporting Gijon: "The public will receive him with great affection. He is also a super nice person. We want the people dismiss him as he deserves, giving the kickoff and receiving a gift from Real Madrid". "I played with Maradona, but Ronaldo is not far away and we have to take into account the injuries he had. He looked like an adult playing with kids. His ability to imbalance was a show".